Friday, February 4, 2011

My very very Busy Best Friend Priyadarshini

Once upon a time
Long long ago quite long ago

I had a best best friend
Priyadarshani was the name of my friend

But now-a-days she is always so busy
Even queen bee is shy of not being busy

Busy bee is busy collecting honey
Priyadarshani is busy making money

Busy bee is social worker
Priyadarshani is Infosys worker

Busy bee believes in no meetings but only work
Priyadarshani believes meetings are work

Busy bee always travels with her friends
Priyadarshani works and forgets her friends

Busy bee always reachable in her hive
Pryadarshani thinks there is no such thing as hive

Busy bee always returns to her hive, with honey, after the work
Priyadarshani never returns to her hive, collect only money, never ending work..

So dear world
This is the story of my dear friend Priyadharshi

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