Friday, June 14, 2013

To: List..

To: List
Short story By Jayaprakash [JP], 05-Jun-2013, 2:15am
[Disclaimer: This story is purely a fictional creation, imagination of the author alone, any resemblance to living, dead or future is purely co-incidental and author does not take any responsibility for it]

Here goes the story….
I was looking at my iPhone and it looked so lifeless, I just wished that the device had a life and it could just talk back to me, I was expecting a call… 
Finally my Timba ringtone rang, I felt like that was most heavenly music I had ever heard {Fyi readers, I used to hate the sound of this ringtone, for knowing how it becomes heavenly music on this instance, read on…}
I picked up the phone and there she was my superwoman on the other end of the line, I eagerly waited for what she would say…..

[2 days back]
Superwoman is my dream girl, whom I had seen in one of the conferences. First time, I could not muster courage to talk to her,  second time it was just one of those we will never meet again friendly talks, but I kept bumping into her in the most of the conferences around the world at Paris, Rome, Dubai, Venice etc. and we started talking more often. The more I got to know her, I found her to be the woman J {Readers you guessed it right and you expected thisJ}. Yes cupid struck me as well, now how do I propose her, did not have any guts to tell her face to face {Readers, this is when lot of stupid ideas seem to occur automatically right, it happened to me also}.
I decided to make a video of me proposing to her at all historic locations that we had visited. I already had the videos of her on the top of Eiffel tower, on the streets of Rome in front of Colosseum, on top of burj khalifa, all I had to do was to edit those videos to include me. I hired a film editor and made a nice video.  Now I had to choose a right time to show the video. After attending one of the conferences, we were flying back from Madrid to Bangalore. I spoke to one of the flight attendants and requested them to play the video and that is how I proposed to my superwoman, 35000 feet above the earth in the sky close to heaven and god J {Readers one of these days, I will write more detailed fictional story of my proposal} She got stumped, it was totally unexpected for her and mostly out of shock asked me for two days to think about it.

[Back to present]
I picked up the phone and she said “Yes” J
I was like did you say “Yes”, I felt like getting up and dancing, I said give me a second and made one those signature Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk moves and back to phone, I asked  her shall I change my Facebook relationship status J, she said “Yes”. I asked her again, can I send mail invitation for a treat to all our friends to celebrate…she said yes.  Mail invitation, hmmm this was the biggest mistake and the reason for this story J
Started typing my mail invitation for the treat…
To: Rajni, Vijay, Ajith, Surya, Vikram, Hrithik, Anushka, Samantha, Trisha, Superwoman
Dear Friends, Inviting you all for a treat at Hotel Citadel, 7pm tonight to celebrate superwoman accepting my proposal.

[Day of Treat]
All of our friends arrived by 7pm, but my superwoman was not yet there, I kept calling her many times, but no response, finally she picked up the call, I asked her when are you coming. All the guests are already here.  She said “I am breaking up”, I was not sure I heard her right, I said what and why.....she said if I was so important for you, I should have been on the top of the list. I was confused, I said which list, I haven’t made any list…thousand lists went through my mind, to do list, task list, not to do list, grocery list, laundry list…but nothing was fitting…
She said check your To: List….I said again which To: list, she said the Treat mail invitation To: List, I checked my mail and yes her name was last in the list, I said but…I was searching for explanation, I mean how do you explain this, can there be any explanation… she said just if I was on top of your mind, my name should have been first in the To: List and disconnected the phone….
I was holding a dead phone and my mind was trying to make sense of the situation…..and I suddenly laughed out loud. I got dumped because of To: List…… ha ha ha ahaha ah lol rofl..
[End of Story]

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rainy night while shifting to New hostel

(Background: Initially IIIT Delhi had only one Hostel, which was divided for Boy's and Girls. With Another Hostel block ready for Boys, we were asked to shift, so that currently occupied Hostel would be let out to the more Girls in the queue for the Hostel. On the night of shift it had started raining. This short poem was to express this scenario)

Rain Rain go away
Come again another day
JP want's to shift to new hostel today
2 bags packed to take away
Don't drench me on the way
If I don't shift today
Girls shifting will be delayed to another day
Oh god have mercy for today 
Rain rain go away
Come again another day
- Short poem By JP

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life is a wonderful Teacher

I had an experience which is a perfect example for life playing a wonderful teacher. It was my first trip to Italy, Milan. Since it was unplanned trip planned at the last moment in order to meet a client demand and at the last minute with very limited options available, I had to book a big fully furnished apartment studio at exorbitant rates.
I reached Milan, on a very cold Saturday night. It being Saturday and not a working day, the agent office was not open. I had to wait outside the apartment complex for the agent to come over and hand the key. I had to wait outside the apartment complex on that dark shivery night with my big bags. After hour long wait and multiple calls, the agent arrived. I was so much relieved to see her and felt like guardian from god himself has arrived to hand me the key to escape away from cold. After a long day’s flight and cold, I was longing for a hot bath. The apartment looked very big for a person. Hot shower was the immediate need of the hour. I went to checkout the bathroom. It was one of the luxurious bathroom I had ever seen, with beautiful tiles, neat and shining, with very ultramodern electronic shower room. The shower room had all sorts of knobs to control the water pressure, hotness, coldness, control water outlets for different types of back massage etc etc.
I immediately wanted to take hot bath, but after numerous tries no hot water was coming, it was pouring freezing cold water, I tried all sorts of tricks, turning every different knobs, tried every combination for about an hour, I was aching for hot water to gush out, but nothing happened, just cold water pouring. I was shivering cold. Finally I pulled out the instruction manuals for the shower room, read the instructions and tried to follow the instructions as it is, no matter whatever I tried the water was still pouring cold.
Went back to living room drenched from cold shower, switched on the tv, it was all Italian, more frustration. I was shivering from cold, I needed hot bath. Again I went back into bathroom, checked the taps of hand wash basin, here the hot water was pouring. Now I need some bucket to collect the hot water. But remember it is Europe, you won't find plastic buckets/jugs etc like we have in India. But I found one new looking big steel dustbin, it was brand new and clean, with black plastic cover to collect garbage. I took the steel dustbin, removed the black plastic cover. It was perfect to be used as a Bucket. Now I had to find a way to collect hot water from hand wash tap to the bucket (Don't want to call it dustbin, it is my bucket now).

Searched around the apartment for any pipes and I found none. But I saw one vacuum cleaner with nice looking pipe, I separated the pipe from the vacuum cleaner. Now connected the pipe to hot water tap, adjusted the water temperature to required degree and bingo, I was able to collect the hot water into my bucket. I found one nice looking big tumbler, which I used as a jug and thus enjoyed the much need hot water bath.

Technology is made to satisfy the needs of humankind, but when it fails at the time when you need the most, what is the use of having a technology that is not really dependable. Luckily for me, the old ways was most trusted and satisfying.

Life of an Infoscion on a Friday

Life of an Infoscion on a Friday - Short story by JP
(This story is purely an imagination of the author. Any resemblance to living or dead is purely intentional, sorry I meant it is only a coincidence)
Being an Infoscion is like catching a speeding train, it is thrilling, it is challenging, gosh how do I explain, guys you have to be an Infoscion to feel it :) Let me start the story now…

My speedometer was showing 196kmph, I had broken my own speed record of my previous best 184kmph. I was driving BMW Mini one, from Madrid to Valencia on the high speed lane on a dark night with only light of full moon to guide me, the road was amazingly visible like a runway, the reflectors reflecting light from my own car headlamp. The road stretched straight ahead into dark night as long as eternity with the big full moon straight ahead of me. I felt like I was driving towards moon at high speed. Chellam was chatting animated about some gossips at office, but yeah, which living man on the earth listens to his wife when you are driving your SUV with your favorite song playing. “chikku bukku railay..A.R Rehman’s all time hit from Gentleman was playing” ….I was feeling like Michael Schumacher on the race track, it was heavenly speed thrill, just when all was getting better....I crashed craaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssh

Shhhrrrrrrrrilllllllllllll went my alarm waking me up from deepest slumber, crash landing me to reality, bang bang came the realities. I was still a bachelor. Chellam was my dream girl, whom I had no guts to propose and biggest reality of all stuck like a missile, It was 6:30am and I had to get ready in 45mins to catch my last Infy bus, otherwise forget 196kmph, I would be stuck in the bus which cannot even move at 1.96kmph in the Hosur traffic jam, finally mother of all reality of realities struck like lightning from dark sky, I had a critical delivery to make today, it is the last day and I was stuck with a piece of code which does not work anywhere except in my system, whatever thrill that was left from my dream vanished. But a small smile developed, Thank god it is Friday and I had a movie and dinner date with jasmine. I thought this day is going to be awesome and legendary :)…

Kicked myself out of bed for a challenging day ahead..Infoscion you know..Winning in the flat world is my passion. Got ready in 40mins equaling my record for how many times..hmm..I don’t know maybe umpteenth time :)

Reached the bus stop in 5mins..Only to realize the bus had just left..called for an auto (3 legged emergency machine) …instructed him to catch this bus..Felt like a James bond chasing a time machine.

Reached office at 8:15am, after finger print match, Iris scan, multi-dimensional pattern head to foot match, the system recognized me as the employee and cleared my entry.

After a quick breakfast of Masala dosa and filter coffee, I reached my desk by 8:30am. I started my Dart, with general catch all, started to check my mails, there was around 100 unread mails, 10 from K-shop, 10 from Tools group, 11 from Go green, 4 reminders to fill my performance appraisal. I was still not smiling…4 reminders to submit my Dart, 3 reminder mails to change my password, 6 mails from Messenger (To approve leaves, New ILITE courses, Certification exams etc)..still no smile…there were more mails about all hands meet, conferences to attend, Tax return reminder mails…biggest fear was developing in my mind and finally there I saw the mail I was looking for hiding among sea of other mails, the mail from Jasmine, the date was still on….she would be waiting…at the reception of building number 58.
My smile returned …Thank god it is Friday :)

I went through all other mails, noted down all the tasks for the day, I call Fridays a meetings day, because all the meetings somehow automatically planned during the week suddenly happens on the Friday. Status meeting, Meeting with OSC, with the customer it goes on…on top of it..I had to finish this delivery all by 6pm. It was impossibly challenging…but again Infoscion you know..challenge is my passion and it comes on plate. The clock showed 8:50am..
I had exactly 8hrs to make my code work in all the machines and most importantly to make it work in a user system somewhere in Belgium…
Set the Dart for coding task…jumped into sea of code..getting latest from all vss, building, compiling and started the debugger..I was all set to fix this code once for all, was just about to start coding, pop came the messenger from my PM, there was the status meeting. (FYI, readers just yesterday before going home I had provided complete status)

Status meeting went on for an hour. My PM was talking mostly about all the risks, mitigation plans…for me I saw a biggest risk of loosing jasmine’s date. If I don’t finish the code by 6pm, my date will go for a toss and there was no mitigation.

I got back to my seat at 10am. I had to reset my Dart and log time for time spent in meeting..
Again I started back on the code, I was 30mins into it. I got a meeting reminder, I was supposed to attend Performance goal setting meeting. The meeting went on for an hour and half. It was already lunch time and I was going nowhere with my code, called up my friend satz to get a sandwich packed for me, planned for working over lunch.

It was 12:15pm, I sat back at my desk and all set to finish the code. I changed my messenger status to ‘Do not disturb’, just when I started the debugger, I got a call from Trisha (She works in IVS) she asked whether I am busy and whether I can join for the lunch at Gol gonda for ‘Chicken biryani’. I replied back “I am totally free, where I should meet her”, she was calling from reception 

Came back to my desk at 1:15pm, I had made no progress on the code and biggest risk was looming heavy. I reset my Dart again. I also had couple mails from my PM and OSC asking for the status on code delivery. This time I was determined to finish before I leave my desk.

Did some progress till 2pm and just when I thought I was all set to finish, My DM came around announcing all of us are supposed to attend the all hands meet, it is compulsory, few important announcements about new wins, Irace announcement, most important policy change on CRR and promotions etc are going to be discussed. Gosh, Yes, I said I cannot miss this meeting.

We all went to the meeting room. The meeting went on for almost an hour and half, many important announcements and policy changes were discussed. Everybody seemed to understand everything that was being said expect me. I did not want to ask any more questions and prolong the meeting since I had to complete this code. I just made a note to check with my colleagues later about the summary (FYI readers, only later found out that none of them understood most of things from the meeting  )

I was back at my desk. It was 3:30pm. I had exactly 2hr 30mins only to finish my code. This time I made up my mind even earthquake will not make me move from my desk until I finish the coding.

I started the debugger, after an hour of debugging I discovered the root cause of the problem, it turned out to be because of invalid character in the data which was throwing the flow into error handler. The problem which took me almost 2days to figure out turned out to be just a 30mins fix. I fixed, did a round of unit testing, followed by integration testing, regression testing, check-out, check-in, packaging and deployment all in the record time of 45mins. The clock struck 5:45pm. I had another 15mins to send my status mail, dart updation, quick call to OSC. I got a messenger pop-up from jasmine, that she is done for the day and going to reception to wait. I was about to say, there is still 15mins …but again girls somehow manage everything early..did not make the mistake to question her. I continued with my work, fired a quick status update mail, updated Dart, called up OSC and explained the inexplicable, he seemed to understand everything, but I knew I had to explain the same thing again on Monday. The clock stuck 6 ‘0’ clock. I made it….I punched my hand in the air..packed by bag…

Just when I was about to shut down the system, I got this very good idea to check the mails for one last time, before I close for the day. Guess this was a very bad idea which was about to spoil my evening…

There came a mail from shakalaka, I am supposed to complete at least one certification exam by Monday, in order to meet the compliance, my heart sank, there goes my date and weekend plans :)
Tring tring rang my phone, it was from Tamana, she said she had two tickets to this new movie tomorrow and whether I can join :) ….

This is the life of Infoscion on a Friday. Watch out for my next episode of the short story to find out, did I go for the date with Jasmine, did I go for the movie with Tamana or did I cancel everything to study for the exam or did I go for double date and still pass the exam and who is Chellam, did I propose her ?
- Short story by JP

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life of software engineer: Year 3011

Life of software engineer: Year 3011
By Jayaprakash [JP]

[Disclaimer: This story is purely a fictional creation, imagination of the author alone, any resemblance to living, dead or future is purely co-incidental and author does not take any responsibility for it]

Here goes the story….

International dating system, today’s date: 13th Dec 3010

I opened my eyes, it was pitch black, and my eyes were straining to pierce through the blackness. I was hit by terrible pain, but was not knowing from where, as I was re-gaining my senses, my body was reacting to messages from the brain and pain appeared to be coming from my head, my feet, my entire body ached, as the pain increased, it was getting unbearable. I touched my head and could sense a blood clot and a lump. I tried to stand, my feet could not support me, and I cried with pain...oh my toes. Guess I must have fractured my toes. I slowly stood up holding the slippery walls.
I pulled out my pocket maglite torch and switched on the light, the powerful beam revealed some kind of cavern, scared I flashed the torch all around me. Where am I?
It came back to me frame after frame, like a computer re-starting, as my brain organized its memory map bit by bit. I last remembered dropping into a deep pit, I was trapped 13 km below the surface of where?

[Flashback, 2hrs back]
I was trekking with five of my colleagues on the Aitken basin on the south pole of the moon. It is supposed to be 13kms deep and around 2500kms in diameter. It is the largest, oldest and deepest basin recognized on the Moon. It is one of the largest known impact craters in the entire Solar System...
While we were trekking, we had come across a pack of vellores. Vellores are known to be most ferocious breed of creatures, they are known to be most powerful animals and belong to the diverse variety of bioluminescent species hexapodal animals known to inhabit the crater.
They came after us in a pack, they were ten in number. We turned and ran across the exotic flora grazing the crater. We split and ran in different directions. The vellores split and chased each of us in pairs. I ran across the basin floor, stamping, trampling all types of flora and fauna. I ran for my life.
Suddenly the ground below me gave away and I was sliding into a deep valley, I was rolling down the slope towards the bottom of the valley. As I was rolling, I was trying to hold on to something, but I was rolling at such a great speed that before I could hold on to something, I used to slip and kept rolling, the dampness of the forest floor, made it more difficult and I was skidding, sliding at increasing speed, the ferocious vellores were running behind and gaining on me. After 10mins, I hit the bottom of the valley. As I rolled, I had got entwined with all kinds’ of loose roots, creepers, leaves from the trees, climbers along the way. I could not get up. I was sprawled on the ground.
The two vellores were approaching me from either side…I could see their fierce green eyes, sharp fangs, sticky green saliva dripping from their tongues hanging outside their mouths, their bioluminescent body made it all the more menacing, they were taking one step at a time, growling with a strange scary noise from their diaphragms. I was trying helplessly to release myself, trying to wriggle out, but my arms, legs were entangled in an impossible angle, the wetness of ground, dampness of the leaves, creepers made it more difficult, death seemed to be evitable, I was trapped. I was going to die, on bottom of largest crater on the moon.
The vellores pounced, with their outstretched powerful paws, just when their fangs could get the taste of my human flesh, ground below me gave away. I was falling into some kind of deep pit. I glanced up just in time to see the two vellores jump and crash for a head on collision and they were falling into the pit behind me. All three of us seemed to falling into an infinite pit, the walls of the pit whizzed past me. After some time, which seems to be like eternity, I landed on to the bottom of the pit. After few seconds, I heard two more loud thuds, which was the last sound I could remember hearing, after which I must have lost my consciousness.
Now when my consciousness was returning back, the pain also came back in spasms. I flashed my torch around me again and found those vellores lying 10 feet away from me. I limped across to them slowly and poked them with a stick. They seemed to be dead and I could see the blood clotted across their bodies dry for a long time. I must have lost my consciousness roughly for 6hrs.
I flashed my light upwards of the pit, the light could not reach to mouth of the pit, seemed like I must have dropped at least, how many feet? Had no idea… drop must have got slowed down by the tree branches, climbers , creepers, roots hanging out all along the pit walls, leaving me alive with probably just a broken toe and injured head.
I limped back to where I had fallen and searched for my backpack. I found it lying 3 feet away from where I had fallen. I opened the backpack spilled the contents out. I had one z-phone, (Readers of 21st century, did I z-phone? Yes Z-phone by Mango computers, it is supposed to be most advanced version of your exhibition piece I-phone of apple computers. Mango computers had taken over apple), I had one light weight Kernmantle climbing rope, I had one pair of all-surface gripper for hands and one pair for legs, I had around 60 food capsules of all types of cuisines (Mauritian, Indian, Chinese, Italian, French), I had 10 shots of pain killers, few other trekking and climbing equipments. I had to make optimum use of it.
I tried to make a call, but signal was not going through. I placed the Z-phone in the middle of pit, started the depthmeter software, infrared rays bounced around the walls, the reading started at 1000feet and gradually increased as and when the infra red waves started reflecting back to the device, the reading kept increasing 2000, 4000, 8000, 9000, 9500, 9555, 9558, and 9556 and stopped at 9556 feet. I had fallen 9556 feet. This meant considering I had food for 60 days, I had to climb around 160 feet everyday before I would run out of food.
I took one shot of pain killer, one food capsule and started to the climb, strapped the grippers to my hands and legs and started climbing, used the rope to protect me against the fall. The grippers were able to take my weight and were holding against the slippery walls of pit very nicely. Day 1, I climbed 300 feet. Day 2, I climbed 150 feet. I was taking rest in the small caves, ledges whichever was safe to sleep, every 200 feet I tried to make the call. While I was climbing thousands of thoughts went through my mind, why did I not listen to my mother and become a doctor? Why did I become a software engineer? Why did I ask for onsite? Why did not I listen to my father, mother and brother and stayed back? Why did I say I want to be part of migration project? What is Chellam doing? Will she wait for me? Seems like every wrong or right turn I made, every wrong or right decision I took in my life was responsible for me my current situation, as if this day was just waiting for me to happen since my birth. For the first time in my life tears started following down and fell into pit below.

[Readers of 21st century, for knowing how these questions are related to my current situation, we will have to go to the flash back.
Flash back 10 days back, Flashback date: 3rd Dec 3010
Location: Milkyway galaxy, solar system, Earth, Asia, India, Bangalore, Software city, Little India software]

I worked for Little India software company private limited. It is one of the most admired companies in the galaxy in last 1000 years. I was a developer working on one of the insurance applications, we insure friendaliens. Friendaliens are living beings from other planets. Human beings don’t need insurance anymore. We had become eternal. Someone developed a drug for eternal life. Drug research and development, was supposed to be secret project to prolong the life of one of the most important person, but somebody stole the formula and mass produced it, now the drug is available in every street and corner.
It was the day, when all of us were tensed, today our Verydeli managers was supposed to communicate PRR to us.

[Oh readers you don’t understand what is PRR? right, ok let me take a min to explain, it is supposed to be some 1000yr old tradition of comparing people to people working across solar systems, across continents, across countries, across projects, using thousand different parameters and somehow come-up with a magic number and slot people. Did you understand? No is it? Noooo is it? Forget it, does not matter, just assume it is an age old tradition and we are still following it. Nobody understands it anyway :)]

Well my verydeli manager called me to a dark room, and conveyed my PRR to be 10. Wow!!!!! I was very happy. 10, my god that is awesome, Did I get 10, that is unbelievable. This means I am eligible for onsite and can request for project change. I was so excited, readers you will soon know the reason of why I am so excited. PPR ranges from 1-40 and I got 10
I went to my verydeli manager and asked for onsite and project change. I was asked to travel to Moon immediately. Did he say Moon, did he say Moon. I was happiest man on the earth or should I say in entire galaxy. In Moon, our company operates a development center, which is known as Migration Factory, all migration in entire galaxy is done in this special place.

[Oh readers sorry! I did not explain what is meant by migration project right. Well, in 21st century you must have heard of a company called Microsoft right, well now it is called yoctosoft (it changed names through nano, pico, femto, atto, zepto in last 1000yrs). Well this company keeps changing their software versions and our clients around the galaxy feel the need to keep migrating to new versions and we are specialists in migrating, that is how we make money, it is that simple  well all credit to our ancestors..
I don’t know the entire history, but we do know for sure that first migration was supposed to have been done in a small island located in Indian Ocean. We now consider that team as gods of Migration. We have life size wax statues of all the team members who were involved in project in Madame Tussaud’s museum located in our development center in Moon. It is a museum, which every software engineer aspires to visit at least once in his lifetime. And also there is supposed this man, who is supposed to have managed maintenance of this project before and after migration, he is none other than my great great great grandfather, till today none of us can believe these guys actually did the first migration and this guy had actually managed the maintenance, only gods could have done it. They were our gods for us, every software engineer worshipped them :)]

Now coming back to my assignment, I was not excited because I am going to moon. I was not excited because I am going to Migration factory. I was excited because, I am going to meet Chellam, finally after long time.
Yes, Chellam my dream girl works there, now you know the reasons for my happiness. Now you know reasons for my over the world excitement.
Well, my mum, my dad, my brother none of them were happy. They did not want me to go, well tell me readers, which software engineer till date had realized not to go onsite, before actually going onsite and then cribbing right? We all realize only after going there right? So it was no different for me.

[Flashback date: 5th Dec 3010]
I booked my seat on the next available flight to Moon. Chandrayaan 3010 took off perfectly from Sriharikota. After 5 days of short flight, our flight landed on the moon.

[Flashback date: 11th Dec 3010]
First thing I did was, to go and visit Madame Tussauds wax museum, saluted the gods of migration and my great, great….great grandfather.
Next thing, Met Chellam, was I happy :) wow, she had one of the most beautiful eyes..
But but but she said she was going to India on 2 months vacation..:(
There goes my girl…I was disappointed, dejected….my face was an expression of sadness, unhappiness.
Sensing my change in expression, she asked whether I would go for movie and dinner date on the valentines’ day, 14th Feb 3011.She said, she would be back by then. It was new movie starring Rajnikanth

[Readers of 21st century, did I say rajnikanth? Yes I said rajnikanth. Is it him? Yes it is him? Remember I talked about top secret formula which got stolen, well yes it was project funded by consortium of all countries on earth. It had become an international issue to prolong life of Rajnikanth. A consortium was formed and secret project was launched code named THE BOSS. Rajnikanth was first person to have been injected with this life eternal formula, since then he has become immortal and acted in hits after hits. His movies are screened all over the galaxy. He was biggest star in the entire galaxy. The formula was supposed to have been destroyed after Rajnikanth’s was injected, but it got stolen. Fortunately, whoever stole it, was not able to reproduce to exactly the same effect, the mass produced eternal drug currently on sale is supposed to 10 times less powerful, but never the less , human beings have been using it and living longer.

[Flashback date: 12th Dec 3010]

Well with Chellam gone and nothing to do, I along with group of colleagues, decided on this trip to explore the crater.

[Today’s date: 13th Dec 3010]
Did I get out the pit? Was I able to call for help? Did I make it to movie date with Chellam for the Valentine’s Day; I have 60 days to get out? Did I see the Galaxy star rajnikanth’s movie with Chellam?

Short Story by Jayaprakash [JP]

Friday, February 4, 2011

My very very Busy Best Friend Priyadarshini

Once upon a time
Long long ago quite long ago

I had a best best friend
Priyadarshani was the name of my friend

But now-a-days she is always so busy
Even queen bee is shy of not being busy

Busy bee is busy collecting honey
Priyadarshani is busy making money

Busy bee is social worker
Priyadarshani is Infosys worker

Busy bee believes in no meetings but only work
Priyadarshani believes meetings are work

Busy bee always travels with her friends
Priyadarshani works and forgets her friends

Busy bee always reachable in her hive
Pryadarshani thinks there is no such thing as hive

Busy bee always returns to her hive, with honey, after the work
Priyadarshani never returns to her hive, collect only money, never ending work..

So dear world
This is the story of my dear friend Priyadharshi

Life of an infoscion on Monday morning

Being an Infoscion is race against time
Getting up early Monday morning on time
Making even the most proud cock shy for not keeping time

Catching the early morning bus to avoid the traffic jam
No time even for early morning beard butter jam

Wearing Monday morning mandatory tie to work
Swiping the access card to get in all set to work

Opening the mail box hoping not many mails
Only to see never ending list of mails

Coming like a bullet from a machine gun
Making even the bravest soldier run

With calendar full of meetings for the day
Getting ready for another busy day
Preparing the list of tasks for the day
Making even the busy bee shy for having not so busy day
Starting work when it is almost end of the day
Only to see critical issue come up to be fixed today

Opening the source code to fix this issue
Only to see the sea of code hidden with full of issue

Being an Infoscion fix the issue in no time
Making customer satisfied for delivery on time.

Being an Infoscion is race against time
Ending your day submitting Dart on time

-By JP